My New Barber Written By Kevin Rose Characters: Barber: Older man in his mid 70's with slicked back grey hair, a blue barber's style jacket, and kahki's. Rich: Old mostly bald man with a brown sweater on, big nose and glasses. Young Man: Young man in his early 20's, black hair, slim build and intense eyes. Curtain opens to the inside of a barber shop. A bald older man is getting his crown of hair trimmed by an equally as old barber. A young man is sitting in a row of three chairs waiting his turn, thumbing through a magazine. The two old men are talking. BARBER Up over the ears or a little cover, Rich? RICH Frank I've been coming here 20 years, back when I had a mane, you know how I want it. BARBER Hey, no need to get testy Rich, thought maybe you'd try a little bit of a different style. RICH I got a halo of hair Frank, how many different ways can you cut it? BARBER You can always shave it all off. RICH And become a full blown cue ball? I try to work with what I got Frank. BARBER And you do, you do, sorry I asked... A pause. BARBER You know, I'll be closed all of May. RICH Why's that? BARBER Hip replacement. RICH No Shit? BARBER Yeah, been acting up for years, doctor says it's about time, and I agree (Laughs) ya know? (pause) Hurts standin' all day. Barber shifts in his stance. RICH Sure, sure. I wish you luck. BARBER They say it's not so bad, better than the knee which, I don't know I still got the knees I came with. But a month of therapy and I can cut hair again. Barber finishes up and brushes Rich off. BARBER Well that'll do it Rich. I'll see you after May then. Shake hands and exchange of money. RICH Yeah, thanks Frank good luck. BARBER See ya. Rich walks off stage and the Barber starts to clean the seat. Whips the apron that goes around the clients neck, and motions for the young man to come up. Young man looks up from magazine, toss's it in the chair next to him and gets into the chair. YOUNG MAN How are ya? BARBER Oh fine fine, yourself? YOUNG MAN Good, need about an inch off, I wear it in a comb-over. BARBER Of course! While this is happening, the Barber is putting the apron on, and getting some combs out of the comb holder. YOUNG MAN So, you're getting a new hip? Barber spins him to face the mirror. And centers his head. BARBER Yeah, I've been livin' with the pain for awhile now figure I'd get it taken care of. I have good days and bad days that's why I've waited so long. They say it's not as bad as the knee. YOUNG MAN Is that so? BARBER Yeah, I dunno I would figure the opposite with all the bending. YOUNG MAN Right. You used to move your hips? Barber turns the Young Man away from the mirror. And proceeds to cut his hair. BARBER I still move my hips. YOUNG MAN I mean dance, you used to dance? BARBER Sure I did, I still do. Well I shuffle with my wife when a polka comes on the PBS. YOUNG MAN I used to dance polka with my grandma. BARBER Yeah I like polka. YOUNG MAN I'm not sure if I like polka so much for the music or the memory. A pause. BARBER You think it matters? YOUNG MAN Well no but I just guess I never thought of it until now. (Says next few lines like he's working it out as he goes) Like, why you like something, it could just be because someone else did at sometime, and you were there, you know. BARBER Um, well. YOUNG MAN How long you been in town? BARBER Been in town my whole life but in this spot, 40 years. YOUNG MAN So you know the town like no ones business, right? BARBER Yeah. YOUNG MAN Isn't there anything around that has a memory tacked on it? Like a spot you like to walk by? Or a tree you love? The Barber pauses and eyes up his hair. BARBER Yeah, there is this dogwood tree, a white flowered one, that blooms right in the middle of a bunch of pink ones and it was my mothers favorite. And, ah, I guess I like it so much because my mom did, I mean I think they are all beautiful, but it always just felt special cause my mother liked it so much. YOUNG MAN Like my memory of my grandma liking (MORE) YOUNG MAN (CONT'D) polka so much. I don't like it especially, but my grandma did, and now I kind of have a like for it by association. association.association. So do I really like polka? Do you really like that tree more than other trees? BARBER Well yes because they remind us of people we love. YOUNG MAN They carry baggage. BARBER Well I think baggage has a negative um... YOUNG MAN Connotation? BARBER Connotation yes. They evoke memories, it's special. YOUNG MAN They are memory catalysts. BARBER Excuse me? YOUNG MAN They bring about a dormant memory, make us change without they themselves changing. BARBER One more time. YOUNG MAN Ok, so a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. So... a memory catalyst, polka for me, white dogwood tree for you, is something that kindles a memory. Thus something about you has changed, your thoughts, while the catalyst, polka and dogwood tree, have remained unchanged kind of independent of the memory. BARBER You talk more than my regular customers. YOUNG MAN Sorry. BARBER No, no you're more interesting than Rich, who was just in here. I swear that man hasn't had a new thought it ten years. YOUNG MAN How long you been doin' this? BARBER Been cutting hair for 53 years. YOUNG MAN Jesus Christ, how do you stay in business? BARBER Keeping up with the trends I guess, you can't just, um, you can't just fall behind. Young Man is just sitting there giving a slight nod. YOUNG MAN You don't hear that to often, from older folks I mean. BARBER What? YOUNG MAN That you have to keep up with the trends, and like you said, not falling behind. A lot of people seem to get into a groove, you know, they just keep digging deeper and the deeper you go the less you see. BARBER You're quite the talker. YOUNG MAN It's true though! I bet many of your friends, like Rich you just said he hasn't had a new thought in (MORE) YOUNG MAN (CONT'D) ten years right? BARBER Yep. YOUNG MAN See but things change, they change everyday. How could a person's opinions and practices not change when presented with new happenings and new facts? BARBER When I was young doctors were the face of Camels. YOUNG MAN Exactly! And now many hospitals screen their employees for nicotine. BARBER I read that, yeah but the fact is people like what they do, like what they think. It becomes effortless. A pause. The Barber eyes up the Young Mans head and then brings out the razor. YOUNG MAN What's it like being old? BARBER Well, I'm getting a new hip. So it would seem the older you get the more new parts you get. YOUNG MAN I don't think I want to be old. BARBER Well, no one does son. YOUNG MAN What if I get stuck in some routine? I wouldn't even notice I bet, and I'd deny it is someone brought it up to me. BARBER I have a feeling you couldn't put on the blinders if you tried. Barber finishes up with the razor and turns it off. Then proceeds to hang it up. The Barber then turns the Young Man around and centers his head in the mirror again. Both are starring into the mirror.The Young Man looks a little startled. BARBER What's wrong? Is it too much. YOUNG MAN No I just...I haven't had it cut like this before. BARBER Do you want me to change it? Or cut more off? YOUNG MAN Um, no I think I like it. It's a change. BARBER I think this one suits you. YOUNG MAN Is this hair cut a trend right now? I actually have no idea what hair trends are in now that I think of it. BARBER Um, no it's not any particular trend right now. It was just the cut I thought suited you, your face and build and all. YOUNG MAN So you customized a style for me. BARBER You can look at it that way. Young Man's eyes look up and meet the Barber's in the mirror. YOUNG MAN I have a new memory catalyst now. BARBER What's that? YOUNG MAN Hair cuts. We had a nice talk. BARBER You don't always talk like this? YOUNG MAN Only when I have a catalyst. Both laugh. YOUNG MAN Really! I only get deep with my brother and women I'm trying to woo. Not old men, oh excuse me aged men, I meet at barber shops. BARBER (Laughing) No one's ever called me aged. YOUNG MAN Well you see yourself in the mirror don't you? You're aged but you're not old. Old things are dormant and you my friend certainly are not. Barber starts brushing Young Man off. BARBER You want anything in your hair? Jell? Pomade? YOUNG MAN Sure, some pomade. BARBER Ok, over to the side right? YOUNG MAN Yep to my right. Barber styles Young Man's hair. Young Man stands up and brushes his jeans off. Then looks at the Barber. YOUNG MAN You afraid? BARBER Of what? You leaving. YOUNG MAN (Laughs) No, of getting your hip replaced. BARBER Well, a little. I've never been under the knife before. YOUNG MAN It's not so bad. BARBER You got operated on? YOUNG MAN No. BARBER Then how do you know? YOUNG MAN My uncle got a new heart so I figure if he could get through a new heart, so what's a new hip? BARBER (Laughing) Well yeah if you look at it that way, I guess I'll be alright. YOUNG MAN I'm sure it'll be a welcomed change, new hips are in man. BARBER (Laughing) Well, thanks for coming in. YOUNG MAN Thanks for talking. BARBER I'll see you in June? YOUNG MAN Yep and we will see what's trending. BARBER You are your own trend son. Young Man smiles and drops his head a little, in agreement. YOUNG MAN Take it easy. BARBER By now.